Olympic Rings

I have been on a geography kick lately.  We have several penpals from across the world, and received a lovely postcard from one family in Russia earlier this week. The Olympics are also starting later this month. It is only natural that we spend some time on geography.

Unfortunately, Pickle has no idea what the Olympics are, although he has a certain fascination with circles. He also enjoys making messes so the art project today was right up his alley. The Olympic rings were made out of coffee filters, painted with an eye dropper and food coloring.

All in all, it turned out well and kept Pickle’s interest. I was disappointed in the color black, which turned out looking a tad too purple. Pickle liked squeezing the food coloring (a little too much!), and using the eye dropper. The eye dropper was an excellent fine motor skill activity that will help with holding a crayon. I let him use the paintbrushto mix the food coloring in the paint. Next time I won’t use gel colors,which tend to clump.

I cut the yellow and green rings apart. Pickle helped me by telling me “over” and “under” to weave them through the other colors. This reinforced directions that were covered in his therapy class today.